Who ran? Who cheered? #StageFaves take on #LondonMarathon in 12 tweets

24 Apr
Posted in: Features Get Social
Author: Staff
Which #StageFaves ran the London Marathon?

Yesterday was the #LondonMarathon2017 and loads of #StageFaves turned out to run the gruelling 26 mile race. Those who were feeling a little less fit took to Twitter to cheer their friends on. Check out our top tweets from the occasion! Have you donated to any of their charitable causes yet?

KINKY BOOTS wished the best of luck to two of their musicians who took to the streets yesterday to run...

The excitement was too much for MATILDA's Daniel Hope who hadn't slept before the big day.

Cal Callaghan from JUNKYARD offered some motivation to the athletes as he reminded them how proud they would feel after it all.

Others tracked the progress of their friends from their mobile phone and sent positive vibes over the internet.

Sophie Reeves from LES MISERABLES shared her admiration of the athletes and congratulated all involved on such a great achievement.

And we couldn't forget the runners themselves celebrating their success!

Daniel Boys

Rebecca Ridout

Jo Parsons

Katie Rowley Jones

Did you spot any #StageFaves at the marathon yesterday? Tweet us @StageFaves!