Are you a diehard fan of the SIX queens yet? You'll love them even more after watching this fun-filled post-show Q&A that Faves founder Terri Paddock chaired with the cast (still in costume) along with musical director Katy Richardson and co-writers Lucy Moss and Toby Marlow. How do they feel about being labelled the British answer to Hamilton? And who, secretly, is everyone's fave queen?
Adrenaline still pumping as I type this! SIX The Musical was the undisputed hit of this year’s Edinburgh Fringe and it’s now transferred back to the West End’s Arts Theatre for an extended run at the Arts Theatre, where it had a handful of showcase performances over the Christmas/New Year period.
I first caught the show last December, and it was fantastic to see how it’s grown and gained even more in sass and confident with new direction by co-writer Lucy Moss (with Jamie Armitage), stunning new costumes by Gabriella Slade, and new choreography by Carrie-Anne Ingrouille as well as, on the night of the Q&A, five new queens, riding a wave of excitement after its crowd-rousing success at Edinburgh and West End Live.
Like most performances of SIX up to now, the night of the post-show Q&A was a complete sell-out and the audience’s enthusiasm carried over for a rollicking Q&A, in which we didn’t have anywhere near enough time to cover everyone’s questions (sorry! not sorry!).
DIVORCED. BEHEADED. LIVE IN CONCERT! From Tudor queens to pop princesses, the six wives of Henry VIII finally take the mic to tell their tale, remixing five hundred years of her-
SIX is co-written by Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss,
Amongst some of the questions covered: Why can’t we think of more female figures in history deserving musicals? Why is it so important to have female creatives and
SIX runs at the Arts Theatre, London from 30 August to 14 October 2018. Tickets are priced £6-£39.50. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE!
For more videos, photos and tweets from the post-show Q&A, visit