Written by Ben Adams and Chris Wilkins, Eugenius! tells the story of Eugene, a teenage boy whose nightly dreams of a distant world of heroes and villains may just be the ticket to him creating his very own comic book movie in Hollywood. Joined by his best friends ‘Janey’ and ‘Feris’, our comic writing genius must discover the true meaning of growing up, finding the superhero within, saving the world from both earthbound villains and possibly those from distant galaxies, and along the way, falling in love.
Book, Music
Director - Ian Talbot
Direction – Creative Consultant - Michael Jibson
Musical Supervisor - Stuart Morley
Musical Director - Darren Lord
Choreographer - Aaron Renfree
Lighting Designer - Andrew Ellis
Sound Designer - Gareth Owen
Set and Costume Designer - Hannah Wolfe
Producers - Warwick Davis & Eugenius Ltd
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