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TRAINING: Guildhall School of Music and Drama: BMus, 1st class Honours Centre National d’Insertion Professionelle des Artistes Lyriques (Cnipal, Marseille): Young artist’s programme.
THEATRE INCLUDES: Carlotta Giudicelli, The Phantom of the Opera, Her Majesty’s Theatre, London, Cunegonde, Candide, Teatro Nacional de Sao Carlos, Lisbon.
OPERA INCLUDES: Queen of the Night in The Magic Flute; Elvira inL’Italiana in Algeri; Elena in Il Capello di Paglia di Firenze and Princess inPuss-in-boots (Portuguese National Opera Theatre); Kristin in Julie ( Teatro Comunale di Bolzano,Italy); Fifth Maid in Elektra (Modena, Ferrara, Piacenza and Bolzano opera houses, Italy); Alice the trapeze artist, in Circus Tricks (Tête-a-Tête Opera Festival, London); Die Drei Pintos and Princess Hirvaia in Offenbach’s Dick Whittington and his Cat (Bloomsbury Theatre); Flaminia Il Mondo della Luna (Opera East); Adina in L’Elisir d’amore (Swansea City Opera); Sofia in Il Signor Bruschino (Opéra National de Bordeaux); Susanna inMarriage of Figaro (Teatro da Trindade, Lisbon); Despina in Cosi fan Tutte (Teatro Rivoli, Oporto); Madame Siberklang in Der Schauspieldirektor (International Music Festival of Algarve).
CONCERTS INCLUDES: Exultate et Jubilate by Mozart (Kremlin, Moscow) Schubert’s Salve Regina (Glazunov Gallery, Moscow), solo song recital (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon), Bachianas Brasileiras no 5 by Villa Lobos (Tibor Varga Festival, Switzerland), Seven Popular Spanish Songs by Manuel de Falla (Orchestre Philharmonique de Marseille) and gala concerts at the Opera de Toulon, Opera de Marseille, Opera d’Avignon and the Floral Hall at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, plus regular solo appearances with the major Portuguese orchestras.
TV AND RADIO: Live broadcast for RAI (Radio Audizioni Italiane), Antena 2 (Portuguese classical radio) and RTP (Portuguese national television).
AWARDS: Donizetti Prize, Jaumme Aragall singing competition, Spain English song prize and the Anne Wyburd Award, Guildhall School of Music and Drama Second prize, Iberian Voices international singing competition First prize, Concurso de Interpretação de Música do Estoril, Portugal.
(Source Phantom of the Opera show website.)
Lara Martins Joao Menezes Marco Coelho André Camacho Images capture by Renato Guerra
Lara Martins- Voz TAUC direcção- Maestro Leandro Alves
Lara Martins
Live recording at Festival ao Largo 2022 Lara Martins- Voz Daniel Bernardes- Piano
Live Recording at MilleniumBCP Festival ao Largo 2022, Lisbon Lara Martins- voz Olga Amaro - piano João Gentil - Bandoneon
Beautiful back stage memories captured / by Danny Kaan and Anniek of my last day at Phantom of the Opera after 6 beautiful years of service !
O encenador e intérprete Jorge Balça convida a soprano Lara Martins, intérprete da ópera e do West End, para uma exploração jazzística, acústica e intimista a duas vozes da obra inconfundível de Variações, acompanhados ao piano por Bernardo Pinhal. Uma parceria de vontades, desejos e excessos expressa através da lente do realizador Ricado Leite num filme assumidamente queer. Lara e Jorge são o António. Ou melhor, um António... aspectos distintos e frequentemente dissonantes de uma só pessoa... duas vozes que de dentro do António o guiam pelas dicotomias da música de Variações: cidade/campo, eu/outros, tradição/inovação, conformação/queerness... vozes que vêm da cabeça, do corpo, do coração ou de qualquer outra parte da sua anatomia. A concepção plástica do projecto, que explora o potencial da cortiça (um material tão Português quanto António Variações), está a cargo do multi-galardoado artista plástico Português Nuno Esteves aka Blue.
Happy 100th birthday Maestro Piazzolla ! Thank you for you powerful and beautiful music ! This is Maria de Buenos Aires “born one night when the Gods were drunk!” A sex worker, condemned to hell which is the city itself! To hear the full song head to my album “Canção "where I pay homage to the incredible music of Astor Piazzolla.ção-p290854368?lang=en Piano: Olga Amaro, Cello : Filipe Quaresma, Bandoneon: Joao Gentil.
L"envie de rire Luis Salgueiro Orquestra Gulbenkian Lara Martins, Soprano Pedro Neves, Conductor
A soprano portuguesa Lara Martins é uma das mais versáteis sopranos portuguesas, com um repertório vastíssimo que vai desde a ópera ao musical. Durante 6 anos consecutivos no mítico musical londrino "Fantasma da Ópera", interpretou uma das personagens principais, Carlotta, com grande aplauso do público e crítica especializada. Em Portugal, tem-se apresentado nas mais variadas vertentes e nos mais importantes palcos nacionais: a solo com orquestra, em ópera, em recital com piano, a solo com banda sinfónica, etc. Apresenta aqui o seu mais recente trabalho com a pianista Olga Amaro onde visita alguns dos temas mais icónicos de musicais que se tornaram em alguns dos mais famosos filmes de sempre. Lara Martins, soprano [] Olga Amaro, piano
A documentary for Euronews concentrating on how my life has a performer has changed during the Covid pandemic.
Online rehearsal with composer and pianist Daniel Bernardes. Barco was composed by Daniel Bernardes on a poem by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, for Lara Martin's debut album "Canção".
Gabriel Fauré / Paul Verlaine Claire de Lune Op. 46 N.2 Lara Martins- Soprano João Paulo Santos- Piano Live recording in London
A report about my work on the Portuguese National TV. " A Hora dos Portugueses" RTP1
Behind the scenes of the recording of my first Solo album "Canção" in July 2020.
From a snowy day in London to my sunny homeland, bringing new colours to one of Portuguese Fado classics , with Daniel Bernardes at the piano. To hear the full version of this song get my debut album "Canção". Available at and all digital platforms.
Voice: Lara Martins Arrangement and Piano: Benjamin Dovey
Lara Martins ,Voice Nuno Feist, Arrangement and Backing track Recorded at home during the Covid19 Lockdown
Lara Martins Nuno Feist- Piano Video recorded during Covid19 lockdown at my house in London.
Excerpts from Leonard's Bernstein Wonderful Town in Festival ao Largo, Lisbon 2019. Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa Coro TNSC Joana Carneiro - Conductor Laura Pitt- Pulford- Ruth Sherwood Lara Martins - Eileen Sherwood Luís Rodrigues - Robert Baker Mário Redondo - Wreck, Narrator Diogo Oliveira - Travel guide, Chick Sérgio Martins - Lonigan
Highlights of the Best of Musical Theater , conducted by Nuno Feist with Amy Mandford, Paul Ettore Tabone and Henrique Feist . Orquestra Clássica do Centro and Feist Choir at Convento de São Francisco Coimbra.
Soprano solos of Carmina Burana by Carl Orff, Gala de comemoração dos 150 anos da FUT.
Lara Martins, voice/ Ana Pessoa, piano Photos by Ana Paganini
The Man that got away, Harold Arlen ( Excerpt) Casa da Musica, Porto Da Broadway a Hollywood Lara Martins, Olga Amaro
Summertime by George Gershwin Casa da Musica, Porto Lara Martins, Olga Amaro Da Broadway a Hollywood
This video is about Je ne taime pas excerpt
Antonio Fragoso, Cantigas do Lenço, Canções do Sol Poente Paris, Maison du Portugal Lara Martins, João Paulo Santos
Celebrations of the centenary of the death of Portuguese composer António Fragoso at Maison du Portugal in Paris. Lara Martins, João Paulo Santos.
Thank you friends, family and colleagues for these amazing 6 years at the Phantom of the Opera. I had a blast!!!!
A piece about my work in Phantom of the Opera / What's Up Olhar a Moda, RTP .
Nostalgia- with Paul Tabone, Live at the Pheasantry, Chelsea, London
Live at the Pheasantry, London Cabaret Venue, Chelsea
Lara Martins- Voice Ana Pessoa-Piano
Vorrei Spiegarvi o Dio - Mozart Concert Aria ( Excerpt) Recorded live at Festival Internacional do Estoril Orquestra de Camara de Cascais e Oeiras. Nikolay Lalov, Conductor Lara Martins, Soprano
Lara Martins-Singer Ana Pessoa- Piano
Teatro da Trindade, Lisboa Le Nozze di Figaro (portuguese version) Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa Conductor - Cesário Costa
Villancio Vasco by Joaquin Nin Rosa Maria Barrantes, Piano
Adina- Lara Martins Dulcamara-Luis Rodrigues Conductor:Nikolay Lalov Orquestra de Câmara de Cascais e Oeiras
Candide- Mario João Alves, Cunegonde- Lara Martins Live performance at Teatro Nacional de São Carlos, Lisbon 2014 Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa conducted by João Paulo Santos
Teatro Comunale Bolzano January 2009 Conductor: Joana Carneiro Neue Musik Bolzano Kristin: Lara Martins Jean: Marcus DeLoach
Teatro Comunale Bolzano Live Recording - January 2009 Conductor: Joana Carneiro Neue Musik Bolzano Kristin: Lara Martins Jean: Marcus DeLoach
Elena: Lara Martins Nonancourt: José Fardilha Chorus of Teatro Nacional de São Carlos Conductor: João Paulo Santos Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa Live Recording, May 2011 Teatro Nacional de São Carlos, Lisbon
Live Broadcast from Teatro Nacional de São Carlos, Lisbon. Candide, L.Bernestein Cunegonde, Lara Martins Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa conducted by João Paulo Santos.
Here is some of our great customised merchandise for this performer. Also check out:
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Far beneath the majesty and splendour of the Paris Opera House, hides the Phantom in a shadowy existence. Shamed by his physical appearance and feared by all, the love he holds for his beautiful protégée Christine Daaé is so strong that even her heart cannot resist. The musical opened at Her Majesty’s Theatre on 9 October...
It's going to be a night to remember! Laura Martins and Paul Tabone head to Live at Zedel for one night this month in a diva-off fit for the Kings and Queens of stage! The PHANTOM OF THE OPERA stars will be facing off this Sunday 15 October, showing off their vocal chops in the process...
Don't be too sad to wave goodbye to Ben Forster - THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA has a new Ben on the way, and he's not exactly new to the role of the masked man. Ben Lewis was acclaimed in the Australian premiere of Andrew Lloyd Webber sequel Love Never Dies. Which other #StageFaves join him in the West End from 4 September?
Good news for phans! Ben Forster, the masked man who led THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA's 30th birthday gala celebrations this past October, has extended his run. He'll remain in the show, along with Celinde Schoenmaker and Nadim Naaman as Christine and Raoul, until 2 September. Do you know who else calls the Paris Opera House home these days?...
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